Saturday, May 22, 2010

I want to be a programmer i am in that only trying hard to learn this I am not getting any success plz advice.

I am computer science graduate and done couple of programming courses such as, , and javascript. but I am not getting the idea of programming where to start with. I am in trouble to get a job. even i worked in a company for 2 months. but i am totally confused. So please help me i want continue my career in software development. Or else suggest me the field related to this in which i dont need to do programming but the skills should be similar to that.

Thanks I think its clear for you people to suggest me.

Thanks once again.

I want to be a programmer i am in that only trying hard to learn this I am not getting any success plz advice.
Computer programming is, in my experience, something you either understand or don't. If, as you say, you're a computer science graduate then it's safe to assume that you've spent quite a lot of time attempting to learn how to program but are still confused. If this is the case then sadly, you'll almost certainly never be able to program well enough to be a professional software developer. Sorry.

When considering what career you should attempt to pursue, just think of what modules and subjects on your degree you enjoyed the most and were good at, and concentrate your efforts on these areas. Have you considered networking, or technical support? Both of these require good IT skills, but generally don't require competency in programming.

Good luck.
Reply:I feel your pain. Sometimes, the world of software development can be a real monster. It burns us out twice as fast as other careers, and unless you really enjoy it, it can be a big drag.

I've copied an earlier answer that may be of use to you. It may even repeat a little what I'm about to say directly to your questions. Either way, here's my two cents:

First, I'd say find your passion and work with that. You're going to see some changes in the next ten years that will be fun and remarkeable. Your passion will assist you in finding the job/income you need to make things work in your life.

As far as Internet development goes (since those are the technologies you've mentioned), you're swimming in a broad ocean. If you enjoy that, find a niche you like, and work it. All of the Microsoft tools are fine, and they'll get you moving at the pace of the industry. You may want to specialize, though. Take, for instance, a small part of the Microsoft world, and get good at that. I've found that the Ruby on Rails community is manna for my soul. It's clean, organized, easier to work with, a joy to program, and infinitely open-ended. That works for me.

I've found that there are a lot of solutions needed for the small enterprise. Microsoft's trying to make a bigger ripple in that pool with their Business Dynamics suite, their POS system, their Small Business Accounting and Small Business Server, and the like. Here is a niche where you will do some programming with the tools you've learned for a group of people that most need it. Just be sure you've got a model to be paid enough for your work. The reason I bring this niche up is that it's an area where you don't have to develop your own frameworks, libraries, SDKs, or anything like that. You'll start where Microsoft left off and put a little patch code here and there that customizes solutions for your clients. You'll find that with little effort, you'll soon be amidst a very big industry with a lot of momentum at your heals.

And now, the earlier answer:

My first real program was in C: I grabbed a compiler and a book and decided I was going to write an alarm clock program because my manual alarm had just died and I couldn't afford sleeping in the next day.

I wrote some simple files, got some early successes, and lost track of time tweaking the program. Turns out it worked: I wasn't late the next day, I stayed up all night learning the stuff.

That's kind of how you get started: you find something you want to do, and then you break down all beariers between what you know and what you have to know to accomplish that one simple thing. If you let something exciting take you down the path, you'll learn a lot more faster, and you'll have something to show for your experience.

I'll recommend a few things for you:

-- Get in the habit of reading good stuff. Start with the Pragmatic Bookshelf. It's a series of books on all sorts of programming topics that will not only help you get the right technical tools and concepts in place, but also round out your approach so that you don't pick up any bad habits as you start. The burn-out rate in programming is twice that of the average career because of some poor habits we tend to start early (all nighters, hack and deliver without any testing program to make things easier, avoidance of version control software, etc.). You'll spend a little more time getting started, but you'll be able to get on the geek sites and ask the right kinds of questions to keep you going. You're going to find a lot of publishers out there that deliver consistent results: which ones get you the kind of information you can use the best (the Dummy and Head-First books seem to work best when you're starting something brand-new, the encyclopedic-type books are great when you know you're going to be working in one area for a while (say on a specific database), the pattern books insert creativity and freshness to your thinking process, there are more. You'll probably want to have about $50 a month for books, maybe a little more, for the rest of your life. If you commit to developing software, you're committing to lifetime learning.

-- Start with something simple like VB or Ruby. I actually recommend Ruby. It's the cleanest, simplest little scripting language out there that is being used for a lot of really intense stuff. NASAs research labs use it for everything they can, there's a great Internet framework in it (Ruby on Rails), and it's actually fun to write. VB will get you the basics of what's available in most other languages, but it's much more pedestrian (you'll tire of jumping through the same hoops over and over to do things that can be done much quicker in Ruby).

-- Pay attention to frameworks and patterns. This is how you get on the shoulders of giants. When you're ready, you'll find out what the gang of four book is and you'll read it voraciously. You'll then seek out other pattern books for what interests you (say enterprise applications or gaming). You'll find that you're writing better code that's easier to maintain and does more for you when you get certain patterns and frameworks working for you.

-- Treat it like a game. Programming feels like Sudoku: you're making logical decisions based on a simple rule set that you don't think about, you just do it. When you get stuck with something you can't solve, you work around it and add a rule to your rule set. Pretty soon you'll have a fast pace of solving problems with the programming languages of your choice.

Good luck. Feel free to contact me through Yahoo! Answer's email.
Reply:Writing a code is easy. But only if you are good at debugging (fixing errors), you should consider it. I did liked writing programmes, but debugging wasn't my cup of tea.
Reply:Azza first decide what you want to write for example do you wish to write a game or software for changing traffic lights. Whatever you decide then you must write it in plain words your code.

e.g.: Say we want to make a coffee so your code may look like this

get kettle

fill kettle with water

is kettle full

yes then goto gas


fill kettle


Is gas on

If not turn button

Click ignition

Gas on = on

Put kettle on gas

And so on and on

Now all you do with above is turn it in to code
Reply:become a comp sci teacher
Reply:for a computer programming the first thing u need is logic, for any programming first u have to think what is the result %26amp; how u can get it , if u get confused easily then first draw the procedure in diagramatic form %26amp; make notes abt the procedure to follow....step by step. coding is not difficult once u can design %26amp; know the logic to get the result.

otherwise u can look for animation, graphics or other packages to become graphics designer,Advertisement agency......if u have creativity
Reply:I am in a similar position as u. Its about having the right work experience. and how do u get experience if if youre not working??

Have u considered taking some certifications ie MCP, MCSD, MSCE etc

Some companies advertise for these qualification in the job descriptions.

It helped me with my first software programming job.

Good Luck
Reply:Did you do well in those programming courses that you took? I have been a web developer for 8 years and I have just started my own web development business about 3 months ago. When I was in university going for my computer science degree, I knew that I would be a computer programmer someday. It is just something that comes natural to me.

May I ask, of all the professions, why do you have to choose to be a programmer? I am not challenging you; I am just trying to understand. There are many aspects to the computer field. Instead of being a programmer, you can be a security officer, network engineer, or you can do hardware related stuff. I can tell you that I took a computer hardware course when I was in university and I didn't quite understand the hardware stuff. So, maybe you can try exploring some other computer related fields

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