Sunday, August 2, 2009

How long does it take to become an ASP.NET Developer?

I was told that it takes years to become a good C# programmer. But if I want to become an ASP%26gt;NET developer how much time should I expect to learn the technology until I can get ready and apply for an entry level position? I know that use C# but not intensively like a C# programmer.

How long does it take to become an ASP.NET Developer?
It depends on several things like how fast you can get used to the syntax, how fast you can learn datatypes, how fast you can loop, and functions. The biggest grand daddy of them all is understanding Object-Oriented Programming. If you can get a thorough understanding of OOP it's only gonna be a matter of time before you start getting really good. This is where I think a lot of people say the experience kicks, but after you've understood OOP entirely, you can learn everything else easily.
Reply:That depends entirely on you; your study habits, your retention ability, your mental ability to juggle concepts into a coherent pattern. From a year to a lifetime.

I'm not trying to be a wise-acre. There is no way to pin a number on it. You can add up the class hours it'll take to a get a degree in it, but that doesn't mean anything in programming - it'll get your foot in the door. The world is full of educated idiots.

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