Thursday, July 30, 2009

Does anyone know where I might find beginners C sharp tutorials?

I'm not the most gifted (or confident) computer programmer, but I have to get to grips with C Sharp fairly quickly and I was hoping someone might be able to refer me to some sites that contain beginners tutorials (for beginners like me!!). Thanks!

Does anyone know where I might find beginners C sharp tutorials?
Try Google:;q=b...

What happens is you think of something you want to find, you type it in the little box and press the return key, and then as if by magic it gives you lists upon lists of websites that contain what you were searching for! Isn't that just amazing! It's just like Y!Answers except that it's instant and you get loads more information!


Have a go!
Reply:Here is a couple of websites for computer books hope the one you want is there

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