Friday, July 31, 2009

How many hours should I study C# & Actionscript?

I am planning to study Flash/Actionscript 3.0 as well as some C# for 6 months and then try to apply for an entry level position as Actionscript programmer. How many hours should I study per day to achieve that goal?

How many hours should I study C# %26amp; Actionscript?
Don't set time limits, but instead set attainable goals. For example, you may decide that today you will learn how to read from and write to a database. Don't stop studying and coding until you've accomplished your goal... whether it take 1 hour or 10 hours. Then set a new goal for the next day. In time, you will find that you've not only mastered the language, but will most likely have achieved a skill level greater than entry level ;)
Reply:It's hard to say how long you'll need to spend each day-- it depends on how much AS you know now and what type of programming background you have.

If you're new to OOP and AS... I'm not sure if it's feasible to market yourself as a programmer within six months. There's so much more to OOP than learning a language... there's data structures, class inheritance and instantiation, as well as learning how to implement standard algorithms and constructs.

Obviously the more familiar you are with object oriented programming, the easier your transition will be.

If you're a fairly experienced programmer, then go to and try the ActionScript 3.0 tutorial under Flash and the ActionScript 3.0 tutorian under Flex Builder.

I think you can be up and coding in about 20 hours.

I also recommend investing in some good reference material- the O'Reilly books on Actionscript including Design Patterns and the AS3.0 Cookbook are pretty good. You may want to get your feet wet with a little MXML scripting, too.

Good luck.
Reply:You got to live it and breath it. ;)

I would say focus 70% of your time on action script, and try to put in at least 3-4 hours a day.
Reply:just pretend you know it....that's what most people do

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