Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the career pathway for a computer programmer in the UK?

To become a systems adminstrator you need a qualification like MSCE. Are there any professional qualifications that lead to a career in software engineering?

I'm keen to learn C+ or visual basic, not sure which language is better though, from a career point of view?

Do I need a degree in computing first before I can become a programmer?

What is the career pathway for a computer programmer in the UK?
I'm not from the UK, but the best way to become a programmer is to practice, practice, will need a bit of experience if you want a career. I'd suggest you start learning C/C++ or Java.

You probably don't need a degree, but some employers will require it or equivalent experience, such as previous projects / jobs.

One more tip...try looking up some local job searches for wanted software engineers and look at the listed could help you understand what they will be looking for.

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