Thursday, July 30, 2009

What classes will I need to take to become a quality game programmer?

I have searched everywhere for classes that I should take and I came up with these:

Game Programming (duh)

C++ Programming (or maybe Java)

Assembly Level Programming

Computer Architecture

Software Engineering

Computer Graphics

Data Structures


Communication Networks (for MMOs)

AI and Expert Systems

Human Factors (for drop-dead interfaces)

Linear Algebra

Vector Calculus (0_o)


Have I missed anything, or have I included anything that will be unneccesary? I sincerely hope that Vector Calculus will not be needed because quite honestly, it scares the *censored* outta' me.

Also, while your thinking about that one, here are a few more questions...

2.What is the average salary for a decent programmer? An expert programmer? How about one that barely managed to get the job?

3.How coveted is this job? How much competition will I have?

4.If I decided to take only the game programming classes, would I be incredibly behind if I have not learned C++?

What classes will I need to take to become a quality game programmer?
C++ is a must.

Java will be nearly useless for a professional game programmer for a company that produces console games.

Java is only useful if you do some website games.

Software engineering isn't needed, but it does encompass lots of the theories of game programming.

AI is important, as well as GPU programming (graphics programming).

Physics and Math are extremely important. Study as much as you can and understand it, don't just "get the grade", understand. Vector calculus is just the beginning my friend, you'll be needing to take probably 5 different types of calculus.

Most of the time a computer sciences or computer engineering 4 year degree will cover all you need to know.

2. A decent programmer starts out at about 50k/year. An expert is around 90k/year. Lead programmers earn usually 100k/year salaries, ones in big companies.

The poor quality ones are usually left at grunt level work at entry level salaries

3. It is a growing demand, with growing competition. If you are good, you will get the job. That's all I have to say.

4. Yes, you need to learn C++. Game programming REQUIRES C++, you wouldn't be able to even think about taking such a class without C++ knowledge.

It sounds like you are just picking and choosing courses. Bad idea.

Take a 4 year college degree in either Computer Sciences or Computer Engineering. You'll learn all you need to learn about programming from there, and you'll be better exposed to game elements if the school has a game design club.

ask these people

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