Thursday, July 30, 2009

How could i become a GAME programmer...?? present..i am doing my final year of computer degree..My issue is that..after reading many articles of game design..i came to know that...maths and physics...are an integrated part of game desing...!

though..i know quite a bit of maths because..we have maths in our course..but i don't know nothing about i am will pose problem in the future...

other thing is that...right now..i know bit of C, C++ and java but i am not specialise into any of the which langugae...should i focus entirely..and learn to the depth..and become specialise in it..regarding game programming..?!

and last one thing...after my graduation...what should i be doing to become a game a should i move ahead towards my goal...should i need to enrol in any game deisgn school or something else..!! advise me pls...thanks in advance...!

How could i become a GAME programmer...??
Game designing and development is probably the toughest of all programming skills. In order for you to proceed, I'd suggest you concentrate on the following:

o A very sound grasp over C++

o Microsoft DirectX SDK

o OpenGL graphics API

o 3D modelling/rendering/animation software such as 3D Studio Max (after all you'll be designing game levels and 3D animated models to manipulate with your gaming engine)

o Adobe Photoshop to assist in the design process

It's good that your maths and physics are good and they'll certainly help you along the way. But consider the above as your priorities in given order and proceed.

Try producing something that could show you have a spark for the feild and then try to join a game development company as a trainee. They will teach you much more than any University. Good luck.
Reply:Play some games and rest. Then you will be able to find a good programming language. Relax.. looks like you are thinking hard
Reply:There were many books related to game programming.. First for game programming u should have some basic logical thinking... Then u should choose either u should be in 2-d or 3-d game programming.. There were many varieties of game engines also.. Better u can visit the web page and get better idea about that

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