Friday, July 31, 2009

Which is harder to learn Java or C++ ?

I would rate myself as a beginner/intermediate VB.NET programmer - very good at scripting with VBScript.

So I haven't really touched on either Java or C++ or any "real" programming since I personally consider VB.NET cheating as you're really just drawing and filling in the gaps with code you can search for online!!!!

Could someone recommend to me one or the other ? my destination platform would be both Linux and Windows.

Thanks in advance !!!!

Which is harder to learn Java or C++ ?
As far as object orientated programming goes, the fundamentals are very similar. I learned c++ first, and found it harder to learn that java. But that could have been because it was my first language.

What I am certain of though, is that java is much more sought after now than C++. So it may be more beneficial for you to learn that first.

As far as compilers go, for just starting off in object orientated programming, then you might want to go for a compiler called "bluej". It's a very simple GUI interface, to get you used to classes.

After that I would move on to netBeans IDE 6.0....and stick with it.
Reply:As long as you're comfortable with object orientated programming I think you'd find both languages about the same to learn.

In terms of jobs (if that's what you're thinking of), people seem to want Java programmers more than C++ programmers nowadays, and C# is an even better bet.
Reply:C++ is harder to learn, because most of the low level things found in C++ like pointers, garbage collection are handled automatically in java. Java programs can run on any platform that has a JVM (java virtual machine).
Reply:I'd say java because the polarity of the script certification does not interface with the trajectory of the triple mainframe processor.

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